Whether you are trying to reduce your monthly expenses or save for a major purchase, like a fun vacation, there are times when we all need to save more money. Here are some savings strategies to consider:
Control Daily Spending
Your everyday spending decisions can add up in ways you may not expect. Common behaviors that cost money include:
- Convenience Eating - Buying food from any place other than a supermarket is a convenience that's priced accordingly. Convenience eating includes coffee, soda, bottled water, candy, meals - the list is potentially endless. Bringing food from home each day can save hundreds of dollars per month.
- Spending using a Card - Try giving yourself a certain amount of cash for daily spending and avoid mindlessly swiping your card.
- Not Comparison Shopping - While buying food in a supermarket is almost always going to be cheaper than buying prepared food in a restaurant, prices can vary substantially between supermarkets and between items at the same supermarket. And don't forget that the generic versions of food items can be just as good as name brands. The same rule goes for clothes - prices can vary widely on very similar items depending on the store.
- "Saving" with a Sale - A common reason people spend unexpectedly is because something is on sale. Even if an item is 50% off, by buying it you didn't really save anything - you spent money that you probably would not have spent otherwise.
Other Savings Ideas
- Save Windfalls - Gifts, bonuses or any other unexpected source of cash could either be saved or used to pay down high interest-rate debt.
- Cancel Recurring Charges for Unused Services - From unused gym memberships to unwanted streaming subscriptions, many people can save hundreds of dollars per year by getting rid of services they don't need but automatically pay for.
- Entertainment - Everyone deserves to have some fun, but some forms of entertainment can have financial side effects that are no fun at all. Consider renting or downloading a movie rather than going to the theater, or order water rather than an expensive beverage when out on the town.
- Save Your Change - Give yourself a tip by creating your own change jar at home. You will be surprised at how much you can save over a month or two.
- Negotiate Anything - Cell phone contracts, car repairs, purchases at mom and pop stores, salon expenses, medical or dental procedures, professional services - almost anything can be negotiated.