Congratulations on getting your first job! This means that you are able to be more financially independent and it creates an avenue to buy the things that you have been looking forward to! Now that you have accepted a job, your new employer will have you fill out some paperwork. This paperwork will include a lot of information and some of it will address how you would like to be paid.
What is Direct Deposit?
The most convenient way to get paid is by direct deposit! Direct deposit allows your employer to put your paycheck directly into your bank account with a transaction that takes place electronically. This eliminates waiting for a paper check and driving to an office to make a deposit. The best part is that you don’t even have to think about how to get paid, it just happens automatically!
Setting up Direct Deposit
In order to receive your paycheck directly in your account, you will need an existing account.
- If you don’t already have an account, you can get started here.
- If you have a PFCU account, you will need PFCU's routing number (272484056) and your account number handy for the paperwork
Once your direct deposit is set up, you can easily manage your account online using our full suite of mobile banking products, including a Debit Card and access to Mobile Wallets so you can make purchases easier!
We know that feeling of getting a paycheck is exciting, but don’t forget to budget wisely and keep your goals in mind. Here are some additional resources you may find helpful:
Learn How to Budget Ready to buy a car?