Going to college is such an exciting time! You’ve worked hard to get to this point and PFCU is ready to help. We’ve put together some things to keep in mind as you take this next step.
Prepare your finances
We all know that college is expensive but do you know how you plan to pay for your tuition, books, food, housing, car and other expenses? There are a lot of costs associated with going to college and you want to make sure that you are fully prepared to manage it all. Whether you decide to take out student loans, apply for scholarships or get a job, it’s important to look at all of your options and the pros and cons of each. You can learn more about PFCU’s student loan options or check out our scholarship opportunity.

Know the ins and outs of your living situation
If you’re living in a dorm, know what’s approved and what isn’t, talk to your future roommate(s) to find out what you each can bring to share, be aware of how much space you’re going to have and whether or not you can bring a car. If you’re living in an apartment, take into consideration if it’s furnished, whether you’re going to drive to campus or take a bus or if you’re going to have roommates. It might help to make a list of everything you want to take with you so nothing gets forgotten.
Get organized
Your college experience is going to be vastly different than high school. Not only are you in a new place but you have to juggle new and challenging courses while also trying to make friends and get involved. It might all feel overwhelming but that’s why getting organized and learning new habits to be successful is great idea. Find a system that works well for you to keep track of your classes and exams, events and outings, notes and your daily schedule. This will help you feel less overwhelmed and get the most out of your college experience.
Don’t be afraid to get help
Most colleges have health and counseling centers. Don’t be afraid to utilize this resource if you need to. Also take advantage of your professor’s office hours, tutors and advisors. These resources are provided for students to utilize as much as they need!

Congratulations on this next big chapter! You are on your way to achieving great things.
If you need any help with organizing and planning for this change financially, contact a PFCU Financial Coach